
What can you do?

Last summer our car was roaring. I took it to a national chain muffler place figuring it would be cheap and they said 500-1200, that there was a hole in the muffler. I found the whole, maybe the size of a half dollar and asked if they could patch it. They looked at me as if I had asked something possible, but highly specialized and unlikely. How? they asked. Weld a patch over it, I offered. We can't weld was the response--I mean, we don't have a welder we just install.

This struck me then and now as somehow sad, but entirely possible--that the simplest and most direct method of making something work was not an option. This shop on Burt Road near Outer Drive has this very promising sign (see above.) I came upon the place and the sign last summer after the roaring muffler had been silenced by more extreme means (that's another story.) Today that sign is flanked by a number of hand lettered signs advertising individual abilities--snow removal, lawn clean ups, roaches exterminated. 

If you had a sign, what would you want to put on it? What would you offer to share with the world (for money or for barter) that you can do?

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